Surfaces appearing to have raindrops

Surfaces appearing to have raindrops
Description/features: Impressive effect that mimics a paint surface wetted with water drops.
Areas of use: Unusual, creative accents for surfaces in interior design, such as office furniture, tables, etc. Specifically to use on dark full tones, such as dark blue, dark green or black; also suitable as a rear glass paint after previously priming with PU Glass lacquer DE 42599-0040 (coating procedure in reverse order).
How to – Raindrop effect
Sample process:
Step 1:
- Sand down priming foil, laminated chipboard or MDF surfaces well
- Prime with one coat of 150 - 200 g/m² PU Isolating filler DP 4791-9343 mixing ratio (by volume) 4 :1 with PU Hardener DR 5058 thinned with 10 % PU Thinner DV 4900
- Dry for at least 16 hours at 20°C
- 280 - 320 abrasive grain
- Apply one coat of 100 - 150g/m² of UNA-COLOR DB 45245-(base tone) mixing ratio (by volume) 10 : 1 with PU Hardener DR 4070 thinned with 10 % PU Thinner DV 4900
- Dry for 2 hours at 20 °C
- continue without intermediate sanding
Step 2:
- Apply one coat of water evenly with the cup gun, a 2 mm nozzle and low pressure; immediately afterwards, mist each droplet on one side (cup gun, 1.2 - 1.5 mm nozzle) one side light, other side dark, so that the drops are shown three-dimensionally
One side with UNA-COLOR DB 45245-102 black
mixing ratio
(by volume) 1 : 5 with
Thinner DV 4900
Then harden this mixture of coloured lacquer and Thinner 1 : 1 with
DR 4070.
Rotate surface through 180°
Other side with metallic colour concentrate DZ 4995-99042 silver,
mixing ratio
(by volume) 1 : 1 thinned with
Thinner DV 4900 or optionally
DZ 4995-99211 red
DZ 4995-99212 green
DZ 4995-99210 gold
DZ 4995-99042 silver
Store horizontally
Dry for at least 16 hours at 20 °C
Step 3:
- The best depth effect is achieved with a top coat of brilliant lacquer!
- Apply two top coats of 100 - 120 g/m² each of FANTASTIC-BRILLANT DU 48799, for example, leaving 10 - 60 minutes between coats mixing ratio (by volume) 4 : 1 with PU Hardener DR 4071 thinned with 20 – 30 % PU Thinner DV 4935
- If required, it can be polished to a high gloss > 48 hours of complete hardening.

Technical Information Raindrop Effect
Products required
- The spray nozzle size and distance from the substrate material affect the size of the droplets.
- This effect can only be achieved on horizontal, flat surfaces (no round edges).
- The surfaces must be stored horizontally.
- Shade each droplet with a reduced spray pressure (0.5 - 1.5 bar) from the side, at as shallow an angle as possible.
- PU lacquers should not be processed and dried at material and room temperatures below 18 °C.
- PU lacquered surfaces should be freshly sanded before finishing to avoid adhesion problems.
- Please conduct a test coating!
Note: This information is purely advisory and is based on the best knowledge available after careful research in line with current state of the art technology. It is not legally binding. We also refer you to our Terms and Conditions. The material safety data sheet according to regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 is available on request.
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