Genuine samples can be convincing
Be inspired
Genuine samples can be convincing
Be inspired
Use surfaces you can touch to support your material decision.
Are you looking for inspiring ideas relating to elegant interior fittings? Are you planning to use wood, glass or concrete?
Our sample shop gives you the freedom to choose: urban chic with sophisticated matt surfaces, classically coloured high-gloss surfaces or lacquered glass. You’ll find interesting effects on wood, such as concrete and vintage, but also functional surfaces.
Browse our sample shop and order your desired free sample in an impressive DIN A4 size from the selection of over 50 different finishing procedures.
Please note:
Orders from our sample shop are shipped worldwide.
Our shop is currently available in German and English. For other language versions, please use the translation tool of your web browser.
What is the advantage for you?

Large selection in the sample shop
Natural trend, design, vintage, classic
Under this link you will find an overview of all samples. There is a large selection of coloured and clear finishes based on water, solvent or oil as well as some samples with Effect coatings. Filter specifically by collection or your area of application . Found your favourite sample? Order easily, without obligation and free of charge for you.
Our sample shop is currently only available in German. However, we ship the offered samples worldwide. Please use the automated translations of your browser to understand.
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