We have once again completed the certification marathon in recent weeks to ensure that our management systems meet our high quality standards. This includes us passing the initial certification of our occupational health and safety management according to DIN EN ISO 45001. Some elements even meet best practice requirements. Overall, our company and its implementation of occupational health and safety were deemed to be above average. We have furthermore been recertified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, 14001 and 50001. The certification of our integrated management system was achieved without any discrepancies.
Our sustainability strategy, which the auditors described as outstanding, received special praise. It ultimately didn’t escaped their notice that we’re subjecting our product portfolio and our factory premises to a transformation process that enables more eco-friendly production in the future. They also praised the fact that both our management and employees are fully behind our management systems.
We were only able to achieve this excellent result thanks to the commitment of our entire staff, who work tirelessly and with great dedication to optimise our processes.
Would you like to take a look at our certification certificates? You can download the corresponding certificates here: www.hesse-lignal.de/unternehmen/.