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Stairs with nat­ur­ally at­tract­ive sur­faces

Good protection for everyday life

Coatings in staircase construction

must fulfil high requirements

Stairs are subjected to high demands on a daily basis. At the same time, they have to meet visual requirements that endure for years. Hydro, Hydro-UV and UV Lacquers from Hesse Lignal are optimally designed for the special requirements in staircase construction – regardless of whether the staircase coating is performed on an overhead conveyor, as a roller-applied coating, in an automatic spraying machine or as a traditional application .

Product search for stair coating

Water-based lacquers, UV lacquers, oils, ...

Irrespective of whether the stair is intended as decorative design element or as a heavily used object, the lacquer systems applied in staircase construction need to meet special requirements. Our Hesse product range includes both UV Lacquers and eco-friendly HYDRO-UV Lacquers that can by applied via the spraying process. The throughput time is minimal thanks to the rapid industrial drying process.

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