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Surface systems for professional staircase construction.

Rely on Hesse Lignal to assist you with process-reliable implementation of oils and lacquers.

Stairs with a long service life

Lacquers and oils for effective protection of surface coatings

Furniture and interior fittings come and go. Stairs remain. Sometimes as long as the building. This also makes them special to deal with when it comes to surface coating. Staircase construction requires a special combination of design, aesthetics and usability. As a connecting piece between floors, they often have to be delivered to the construction site on time.

Selection of the surface coating system is therefore of major importance in three phases.

  • In the workshop: Reliable planning of the coating process is required for the staircase to be delivered on time. The coating speed also plays a significant role when it comes to larger quantities. Whether lacquering on an overhead conveyor, roller lacquering, automatic spraying machine or by traditional application, Hesse Lignal oil, Hydro lacquers, Hydro-UV lacquers or UV lacquers are optimally designed to meet these requirements.
  • On site: Stairs often have to be installed as building work progresses. Original treads that are already installed require special protection. Covers and adhesive tapes themselves represent burdens for the surface coating. This is something that shouldn’t be underestimated when choosing the right system.
  • Daily use: Children, animals, dirt, the everyday frenzy. This is where coatings face severe demands. Hesse Lignal surface coatings have been specially developed for the requirements of staircase construction. You as the staircase manufacturer can rely on this and the building owner can sleep peacefully. Apropos sleep. We can also help when nighttime hunger strikes and someone wants to sneak unnoticed from the first floor down to the fridge. Our staircase lacquers are creak-free! Of course, we also do beautiful, colourful and sustainable.

Certified and sustainable construction

What does sustainable construction actually mean? We see this new and ecological type of construction as paving the path to the future. Because we’ve always been at the forefront in terms of development and innovation and have constantly perfected our production and everything we do. That’s why we also welcome the fact that sustainability is becoming increasingly important in public, commercial and private building projects and, in addition to the usual building materials and components, coating materials in the residential sector must now also meet the requirements. Certification systems are attracting more and more attention as stipulated requirements in tenders. DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.) or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | U.S. Green Building Council) are the best-known certification systems for assessing the ecological, social and economic quality of buildings. Both certifications fundamentally anchor the concept of sustainability – also at Hesse, of course. Because we assume responsibility.

Learn more about sustainable construction and coatings

Beck Treppen

One of the Hesse Surface Experts

The staircase is the centrepiece of every house! It shows the way into the third dimension. Today, furniture, lights, living room colours are easily interchangeable. The staircase sometimes lasts for generations in a house. That makes its protection all the more important. Especially in staircase construction, the surface structure determines the longevity of a "staircase".

Beck Treppen in Sulz am Neckar is one of our Hesse Surface Experts. This company specialises in stair construction and can paint perfectly. If you would like to discuss high-quality stair coating or are looking for someone to build a staircase for you, feel free to contact Beck Treppen or us.


Products for staircase construction

Speedcare oil
OE 52872

Fast-drying, butanone oxime-free mixture of natural oils combined with natural oil refined alkyd resins . Special, innovative and non-labelled drying agents cause rapid drying for an oil. The carefully selected, aromatic-free solvents are also used in cosmetic products. 

SPEEDCARE-OIL impresses with a uniformly matt appearance, coupled with good lighting and transparency .

HYDRO Stair lacquer
HE 6542x(gloss level)-0100

Primer and topcoat for open- to closed-pore structures. 

Free of methylpyrrolidone and phthalate softeners, therefore also suitable for coating children's toys.

Bright white stairs with

Now you can outsmart the tanning agents: HYPERION TI 130 is a specially developed, water-based isolation product that can be used as a crucial component in fully water-based surface finishes. It reliably prevents discolorations due to tanning agents and thus enables brilliant, gleaming white or pastel surfaces – permanently and without compromising quality.

Our sample shop

contains the most diverse surface coatings for every requirement in staircase construction. Your advantage: You see the product already applied and don’t have to coat the sample yourself. So you have a real tool at hand with which to advise your customers. Simply order your free sample - inspiring ideas within your grasp.

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