Surfaces decked in our PU mother of pearl effect

Surfaces decked in our PU mother of pearl effect
Description/features: Light-fast, transparent, two-component polyurethane lacquer in mother of pearl effect, for light colour tones. As a finishing lacquer for surfaces pretreated with UNA-COLOR or pigmented glaze .
Areas of use: Unusual, creative accents for hard-wearing surfaces in interiors, e.g. office furniture, tables, etc.
How to – Mother of pearl effect
Sample process:
Step 1:
- Possible substrate materials are veneered woods or solid wood, e.g. ash for open-pore coatings.
- Brush out well with wood-sanding grain 120 -150
- Apply one coat of 100 - 150g/m² of UNA-COLOR DB 45245-(colour tone) mixing ratio (by volume) 10 : 1 with PU Hardener DR 4070 thinned with 20 – 30 % PU Thinner DV 4900
- Dry for 2 hours at 20 °C
- Smooth (grain 320)
- Apply one coat of 100 - 150g/m² UNA-COLOR DB 45245-(colour tone) mixing ratio (by volume) 10 : 1 with PU Hardener DR 4070 thinned with 20 – 30 % PU Thinner DV 4900
- Dry for at least 16 hours at 20 °C
- Smooth slightly with grain 400
Step 2:
- Apply one top coat of 70 - 100 g/m² PU Metallic Top coat DU 45457-99060 mixing ratio (by volume) 10 : 1 with PU Hardener DR 4070 thinned with 10 % PU Thinner DV 4900
- Dry for at least 16 hours at 20 °C

Technical information mother of pearl effect
Products required
- The mother of pearl effect can only be achieved on pastel shades.
- Please apply PU metallic top coats evenly; different coat thicknesses change the colour tone and excessively high application quantities result in clouding!
- For custom colour tones, the PU Metallic Top coat DU 45457-99060 as pearl effect can be mixed with 5 – 10 % UNA-COLOR DB 45245-(colour tone).
- The lacquer is then applied like a coating lacquer as a primer and as a top coat.
- Stir well before use!
- Polyurethane lacquers should not be used or dried at product or room temperatures below 18 °C.
- In order to avoid adhesion problems, polyurethane lacquered surfaces should be freshly sanded before applying the top coating.
- Please apply a test coat.
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