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Craft News
  • Created by Peter Haberkorn

Change in sales management CET (Central Europe Trade)

Melanie Königshoven takes over CET sales management from Heinz-Jürgen Droldner

Craft News
  • Created by Silke Petzel

Which certification applies to coated surfaces?

Do you know the labyrinth to the relevant directive?

Company News
  • Created by Peter Haberkorn

New sustainability website section

Sustainability is of central importance to our company. Find out more and take a look at our new sustainability pages.

Industry News
  • Created by Peter Haberkorn

UV-NIR sensors

How to measure coating thicknesses during the production process

Craft Blog
  • Created by Christoph Wollersen

What lacquer has in common with electric cars.

Why three lacquer families at the same time?

Craft Blog
  • Created by Jessica Gerbaulet

Proper mixing – but how?

Here’s a brief description of the procedure for mixing Hesse 2-component lacquers.

Craft Blog
  • Created by Christoph Wollersen

Safety at sea

Do you need an EC Declaration of Conformity?

Company News
  • Created by Silke Petzel

Partial target achieved

No more nitrocellulose lacquers since 01.01.2024

Craft Blog
  • Created by Ulrich Abdinghoff

Are water-based lacquers more harmful than solvent-based systems?

This is a widespread misconception

Craft Blog
  • Created by Christoph Wollersen

What does the vegetable garden have to do with lacquer?

Keep up to date with changes in the product range - New menu item on the website!